Directed by Leigh Whannell, this modern horror-thriller stars Elizabeth Moss as Cecilia, tormented by her abusive ex who fakes his death and uses invisibility to haunt her.
In this Japanese thriller directed by Kazuya Shiraishi, Yu Aoi plays Towako, entangled in hollow relationships while suspecting her ex-lover's disappearance links to her current partner.
Directed by Louis Malle, this psychological thriller stars Jeremy Irons as a British politician entangled in a forbidden affair with his son's fiancée (Juliette Binoche).
Pedro Almodóvar’s dark romantic comedy follows Antonio Banderas as Ricky, a former mental patient who kidnaps Victoria Abril’s Marina, a former porn star, in an attempt to win her love.
Directed by Roman Polanski, this erotic drama examines the passionate yet destructive relationship between Nigel (Hugh Grant) and Fiona (Kristin Scott Thomas), juxtaposed with the intense
Michael Lehmann’s dark comedy stars Winona Ryder and Christian Slater as teenagers caught in a cycle of violence and revenge against high school bullies.
Directed by George Cukor, this classic thriller stars Ingrid Bergman as Paula, a woman manipulated by her husband (Charles Boyer) to doubt her sanity.
Andrzej Żuławski’s horror-drama stars Isabelle Adjani and Sam Neill as a couple undergoing a tumultuous divorce complicated by supernatural elements.
Directed by Oliver Stone, this controversial crime drama follows Mickey (Woody Harrelson) and Mallory Knox (Juliette Lewis) on a killing spree that captivates the media and challenges societal norms.
Directed by Elia Kazan, this adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ play stars Vivien Leigh as Blanche, whose visit to her sister (Kim Hunter) brings her into conflict
The 9 Best Crime Thriller Movies of All Time, Ranked